
Our Work

Ninja Jam

Android Launch




Delivered integrated PR, social advertising and influencer campaign to drive app downloads of music making app, Ninja Jamm. Focused on music influencers as well as mainstream media (targeting app/tech pages) for the PR push.


Identified key app influencers in the Android and music making space to secure video content placement in form of previews. PR activity focused on app pages in mainstream media as well as music and tech sites. Ran optimised Facebook, Twitter and Google ads campaign.


75 pieces of coverage achieved, with an estimated daily reach of over 2.5 million in print and online. 43,700 YouTube views with 2,780 social shares across Facebook and Twitter.Influencer activity mapped back and generated significant spikes in downloads.


Activity directly tracked back to app downloads. Optimised paid media delivered ROI of 164% with influencer activity driving the largest noticeable spikes in downloads and in-app purchases.

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