


11th November 2014

It’s been months in the planning but yesterday saw our first of many press interview days for the supergroup McBusted, in anticipation of their epic TOURPLAY & MCBUSTED LIVE AT THE O2 DVD, on the 24th November.


With a good few super fans in the house (ahem, Emma, Katy, Lauren…Dan?) it was a hotly contested working day indeed, and suffice to say, a lot of fun. With six boys and countless press in attendance there was a lot of coffee drunk, a lot of chocolate snacked on, and A LOT of laughter. Has anyone seen Harry’s Instagram feed with #ChilliRoulette?


We were almost too busy to remember a picture (shock horror!)…but Gemma and Emma managed to snag one with the lovely Dougie, James, Tom and Danny, before they headed off home.


More on McBusted coming soon…

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