

Alfred Loves… Thirsty Thursdays

26th September 2014

London has been alive with that usual mid-September buzz over the last couple of weeks; last super sunny days, London Fashion Week, countless new film & TV screenings and premieres, it’s been all go. So, we’ve decided to make the most of getting out of the office at a decent time on a Thursday, and exploring our new neighbourhood. Here’s a quick run down of our last Thirsty Thursday…

First up, Pizza East. It’s not new but such a goody and is never a disappointment. Last Thursday we all uber’d over to the other side of Shoreditch to squeeze-in with every other East-Londonite, it seemed. It was packed to the rafters! After settling for some scrumptious wine for the girls and beers for the boys, we pretty much tried EVERYTHING on the starter menu thanks to the lovely, Gemma. From olives to meatballs, mushrooms to meat and cheese, croquettes to salad, safe to say, she went a bit OTT, and by the mains we were a little stuffed. Sadly, our human hoover, Dany wasn’t present so there was a tad too much left over. But we LOVED the food, and obviously found room! Our top recommendation is the San Daniele, ricotta and pesto pizza, with EXTRA Garlic butter. It’s better than Pizza Express’…no joke. Only Katy was defeated by the chicken for one.


Next stop, Beach Blanket Babylon… after copious amounts of cocktail drinking and champagne sipping, Lauren and Rish decided to take on a few ladies in the toilet queue, with an impromptu yoga session. Hmmm. The Babylon Cooler was bloody marvellous though and we’re learnt Dan has somewhat matured in his drinking style, ‘whisky straight, no rocks’?!


Here are some snaps of the team saying cheeeeeseee…



So, Alfred loves you Thirsty Thursday’s…or as Gemma pointed out, up north in Geordie land, it’s ‘Thorsty Thorsda’!

Lucky for us it’s the last Friday of the month, which can only mean one thing…company Fish & Chip Friday.

Happy weekend y’all!


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