
Our Work

Tu Sainsbury’s – World Book Day


As a key partner of World Book Day, we were tasked to hero this partnership on its 25th anniversary.  We needed to position Tu as the go to destination for World Book Day costumes amongst its many competitors, as well as encouraging parents and kids to continue seeking the joy in reading and books through the World Book Day tokens in Sainsbury’s stores.


We know that parents can be really overwhelmed with the last minute panic to buy costumes for World Book Day, along with the pressure of the competition of having the best costume at the school gates that comes with this. Working with World Book Day, we launched research which explored that costume panic, what kids actually love to dress up as, who are the UK’s favourite book characters and how we could help remove ‘stress’ from World Book Day and focus on our love of books and their characters. 

We shared a bespoke costume and book package to journalists who had children participating in World Book Day. This mailer was designed to not only help parents with the last minute costume buying panic, but also to encourage children to discover a love of reading – what World Book Day is all about.


National and consumer coverage of our research story, alongside product placement of our hero costumes including a feature on ITV’s This Morning. We saw social coverage from the journalists we engaged with generating a social reach of over 33k plus a great deal of positive comments and over 400 likes. The journalists shared positive sentiment with many specifically commenting that the mailer helped alleviate the last minute stress of buying a costume (which aligned with our insight and strategy for the mailer).


We drove media coverage and conversations around World Book Day and Tu, driving consumers in store to purchase costumes and book tokens. Directly from the World Book Day broadcast coverage on This Morning we saw the Peppa Pig costume Caterpillar costume sales increase. 

If you’re interested in creating a movement around your brand, get in touch.

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