
Our Work

Syfy – Runnaways


How do we drive social conversation and deliver a trending topic to promote the premiere of SYFY’s new teen superhero show, Marvel Runaways?


We identified a number of social influencers and personalities who engage the show’s three audience segments… Marvel fans, broader sci-fi fans and teens. It’s easy to pay celebs and influencers to simply post about a launch… but to drive followers to drive tune-in, we needed to truly engage them in the key themes of the show. We created a Superhero or Supervillain litmus ‘test’, to identify which end of the scale influencers were. To drive real engagement we negotiated for influencers to use Instagram Stories Polls and Twitter Polls on the morning of the show, asking fans which end of the scale they’d be… Results were unveiled just before TX with direct tune-in messaging.


By selecting highly relevant influencers mapped back to audience segments, we ensured content delivered above-average engagements for example… Hayley Atwell’s Instagram post delivering nearly 33,000 engagements at 8.3% engagement rate. #RunawaysOnSYFY was trending during the premiere episode.

Est. total reach: 11,100,000
Approx. total engagements: 83,650

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