


4th December 2014

Tis three weeks before Christmas and in the Alfred house we are all starting to get into the festive spirit. The Crimbo tunes are going full blast and we’re particularly enjoying munching on our special Alfred advent calendars each day. So when we received an invite to join our lovely client StyleHaul for ice-skating and drinks at Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park, we were there with jingle bells on (sorry, couldn’t resist).


Proceedings started with delicious mulled wine in the Bavarian style village, luckily donning a lederhosen wasn’t required! After getting suitably merry and chatting all things Yotube with StyleHaul’s roster of hugely talented vloggers, we took to the ice ready to pirouette. Okay, well at least half the group did (and pirouetting may have been over ambitious) but they did manage to get round the rink in one piece at least. The rest of us who didn’t want to take the risk of becoming Bambi on ice, happily watched from the side lines and supped on more mulled wine, hot chocolate with cream and egg nogg…when in Winter Wonderland needs must!


After building up an appetite after all that skating (or not) we devoured delicious German Sausage, well when in the Bavarian village you just have to. We also took a little tour of what else the Wonderland had to offer, and even found our very own Monty the penguin. You can see how much this made one little Alfred girl’s Christmas!!


Thanks StyleHaul, you’ve certainly kicked off a fabulous Christmas season for us…now for more mulled wine and advent calendar chocolates.


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