We had the pleasure of rubbing shoulders with BBC Breakfast News royalty recently at the 2014 International Content Marketing Summit held in London.Featuring some of the most skilled and respected experts in content marketing, our client StyleHaul was on the line-up of keynote speakers alongside senior executives from the likes of YouTube, LinkedIn, BuzzFeed and Google – so no shoddy group of experts!Hosted by the cool and charismatic Beeb Brekkie presenter Naga Munchetty (who we resisted the urge to stalk for a selfie), StyleHaul’s European VP James Stafford used his twenty-minute speech to educate the audience of 150 delegates about how they can turn the power of vloggers into seriously effective marketing. And how does he know? Because he spent over three years at Google and StyleHaul is now the world’s biggest fashion and beauty network on YouTube, the marketing and analytical brains behind UK ‘vlogger’ superstars such as Zoella, Alfie Deyes, Tanya Burr and Fleur De Force.
So for anyone reading this who is still struggling to understand who or what a ‘vlogger’ is, StyleHaul are your guys!
So did James spill the beans about how to become an internationally loved and renowned vlogger? Well, that would be telling! StyleHaul after all need to keep some secrets. But we can say is that as people increasingly watch TV and video online, and with UK television sales this week dropping behind mobile and tablets for the first time, YouTube networks like StyleHaul who are home to video bloggers, are very much the present and future of where we’ll be watching content.Right, we just need to work out how to make our next Alfred blog post a vlog. Watch this space…