

My Apprenticeship At Alfred – Deborah Bakare

8th February 2024

My Apprenticeship At Alfred 

I started my internship at Alfred in April 2023. The opportunity came my way following completing the 20/20 Change Programme. 20/20 Change is a social mobility organisation dedicated to empowering Black and racially underrepresented young individuals by offering opportunities to maximise their potential.

When I saw the job post for the opportunity to land an internship in PR, my curiosity sparked. Despite my lack of experience, I decided to take the chance and applied and to my surprise, I secured the internship after successfully completing an assessment day at Alfred.

My experience in Alfred has been very valuable and insightful. I initially had a vague understanding of PR, but now 9 months in,  I have a better grasp of it. Despite my limited knowledge in PR in the beginning, everyone has been exceptionally patient, investing time to guide me through the intricacies of the PR world, for which I appreciate. 

I’ve had the chance to learn, create, and unleash my creativity within a team that brings together diverse perspectives and skills. My experience so far has encouraged me to delve deeper into the industry, reinforcing my determination to pursue a career in this field.

I appreciate the idea of breaking away from the monotony of the typical Monday-to-Friday routine. At Alfred, I’ve had the opportunity to venture beyond consumer-focused tasks. I’ve been able to collaborate with the digital team, participate in their brainstorm sessions, and contribute to the creation of engaging content. 

On a personal level, my interpersonal skills have improved greatly as collaboration is a big thing for them so has definitely forced me out of my comfort zone but in a good way. To have the chance to do this in a company that embraces difference and is open to ideas has made my time more smoother and comfortable. Internal and external training is great and has equipped me with a firm set of skills to help me deliver and execute my role to the best of my ability.

I can’t wait to see what the future holds and am delighted to be a part of the company. I feel like I have built a good foundation to continue developing in the field of PR and expanding my skill set.

Written by: Deborah Bakare

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