

Alfred Spins Heads with The Exorcist

20th October 2016

It’s been a pretty terrifying week as we geared up to the TX of Syfy’s top new TV show, The Exorcist, which aired in the UK for the first time last night.

We’ve been running a highly targeted influencer programme across Twitter and Instagram, which all went live yesterday. Our recruits included non-other than super-horror fan, Jonathan Ross, broadcaster and presenter, Edith Bowman, Radio One’s Chris Stark and Virgin Radio’s, Jamie East. Throughout the launch day, they all shared a series of videos, pictures and posts across their high profile social channels. With a potential reach of 6,667,400 achieved in just one day.

Most terrifying ‘terrified’ pic award has to go to Wossy, with some claiming this was almost as scary as the show itself ☺

With Edith and Chris a close second for these videos…

The show stars Geena Davis and is a modern day build on the original The Exorcist – officially the scariest movie of all time.

It’s well worth checking out – every Wednesday at 9pm on Syfy.

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