The Week That Was: Consumer Technology - 03/05/19

There’s a new Tinder in townFrench company Yubo, dubbed “Tinder for teens”, has introduced a software that analyses people’s faces and estimate how old they are. The app states it has 20m users worldwide and staTWTtes the software has been designed to weed out children who sign up for the site with false birth dates ad can also detect adults who have misstated their ages.Government encourages girls into computingThe government has taken a step this week to encourage more girls into computing after it was revealed just 10 per cent of A Level computer science students are women, which has a major impact on the pipeline of talent going into the industry. The funding is part of the ‘Gender Balance in Computing’ research project and will trial a number of schemes aimed at improving girls’ participation in computing!How secure is your password?Hotmail owning Microsoft has stated this week that online passwords should be eliminated as they do no protect people. Instead, users should be using biometrics such as facial recognition as this is much more secure. In fact, a report by the National Cyber Security Centre, part of GCHQ, found that millions of people used common passwords, including “123456”, “qwerty” and “password”!Sign-up here to our monthly Consumer Technology newsletter and access case studies of our work, as well as hearing the latest news and trends from this sector. We’ll share updates on how we are helping our clients make a meaningful impact, create movements and connect in innovative ways with their audience.


The Week That Was: Health and Wellbeing - 03/05/19


The Week That Was: Social - 03/05/19