

Alfred Loves… Heat-waves and storms

18th July 2014

Us Brits LOVE talking about the weather, as a nation we can’t get enough of it. It’s particularly exciting when the weather deviates from the standard, especially if say (shock horror) a heat-wave should occur in British summertime, not the obligatory washout we have become accustomed to.



Suffice to say when said heat-wave does occur it causes pandemonium in the capital, suddenly you need to re-evaluate your whole way of being. Out come the short shorts in place of umbrellas, iced Frappuccino’s replace morning coffee and heaters ditched for the air-con that no-one really understands how to use!


We spend all winter longing for the heat and when the sun finally decides to make an appearance we don’t know what to do with ourselves. Especially when it brings with it one heck of a storm, you know the one…fork lightening, battering rain and winds to wake up most of London, apart from the male sector of the Alfred team apparently!


At Alfred HQ we’ve been weathering the storm, and just about managing to survive the heat. First priority of the day is always getting a desk lolly…


….followed by several more ice-creams at regular intervals throughout the day!


We also enjoy whipping out our sunnies and strolling the streets at lunch looking especially cool/trendy (of course!) topping up our tan.


So instead of complaining like our gut tells us to, we’ve decided to revel in the fact we are getting the best of both worlds this British summertime, the normal storming showers coupled with some much needed (albeit insane) heat, plus we’re secretly rather pleased at being able to whip out our short – shorts this year!



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