

Youzz: The Power of Influencer Marketing

9th January 2017

In Q4 2016 we were appointed by Youzz to help the platform launch in the UK. Our brief is focused on building awareness of the service with key decision makers in the marketing and communications space.

Youzz enables brands to connect with a range of influencers to create word of mouth campaigns around products and services, across a range of categories from food and technology to fashion and lifestyle. What makes the platform different from other models is that influencers are not paid to participate in campaigns, instead they engage with brands early on, testing new products or services, to gain access to the hottest and newest offerings first.

To kick off the campaign, we held a launch event at Soho Works, which included presentations from industry leaders and a panel of experts and influencers. The event The Power of Influencer Marketing was used as a platform to engage the industry and potential clients in conversation around the key topics of the moment.

Speakers included Youzz Chairman Salvador De Cunha, who discussed issues around ad blocks and bots, which are damaging the paid media space. Youzz founder and CEO Francisco Ascensão, showcased research that proves why influencer marketing is more powerful than traditional channels. He also pointed out that micro influencers are more trusted than celebrities, highlighting the resonance they have with their loyal audiences. Following this Julian Boulding from TheNetworkOne gave an insightful talk on the place of influencer marketing in the new marketing communications paradigm.

A panel of influencers then fielded questions from the floor, helping brands in attendance understand more about the way they’d like to be approached and what works for their channel. The event provided attendees with a unique insight into this form of influencer marketing and how the unpaid model can work, if approached in the right way and with the right intensions. Stay tuned for more from Youzz early in January 2017.

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