

The Week That Was: Health & Wellbeing (15/06/2018)

18th June 2018


Want to know what’s been making headlines this week in the world of Health and Wellbeing? Then read on below…

Take a break with YouTube
Next time you watch YouTube, chances are you won’t get sucked into the next cat video or make-up tutorial. The platform is making a stand on binge watching with its new wellness feature that reminds you to take a break. You can customise settings, choosing how long you watch for before the break comes in. Currently only available on the Android and iOS versions of YouTube, YouTube is aiming to tackle screen time in both parents and kids alike.

Naked beauty
You take a tote bag to the supermarket and carry a reusable water bottle. But is your beauty habit harming the planet? Lush has the solution with its shampoo bars – the equivalent of three shampoo bottles and no plastic packaging. They’re calling it the ‘new era of shampoo’ and consumers agree – over 12K were snapped up in 48 hours this week.

Another reason to have a weekend lie-in
Research by Stockholm University’s Stress Research Institute and Karolinska Institute recently found that those who have five or fewer hours of sleep per night have a higher risk of death compared to those who have seven or more. But fear not, catching up on these missed hours of sleep can counteract these detrimental effects. So turn off the alarm and have that well-deserved lie-in.

Lunch break? Yes, please!
We’ve just moved to a new office on the other side of Old Street, and are busy exploring new lunchtime haunts. A great excuse to step away from our desks, take a breather and return feeling refreshed. If you’re finding it hard to leave the office, take a read of this and find out why you should reclaim your lunch break…

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