

The Week That Was FMCG & Retail (07/09/18)

7th September 2018


Read on for the latest news making waves in the world of retail this week:

Brits are drinking less tea

It seems Brits aren’t putting the kettle on as much. Demand for black tea is falling – as a nation, we made almost 870 million fewer cups of tea in the year ending May 2018. The market is however bursting with innovation, thanks to cold brew infusions, premium herbal teas and plastic-free loose tea offerings. Will these get us back on the brew?

Asda drops its price match guarantee

Asda is waving goodbye to its price match guarantee, claiming lack of customer demand. Instead, the supermarket giant which is set to join forces with Sainsbury’s, will focus on lowering its prices across the board. Is this a better deal?

Burberry pledges not to burn unsold items

The fashion giant came under fire when it emerged it burnt unwanted products to protect its brand (and avoid another Daniella Westbrook scenario?). The global brand has now done a u-turn on this decision, and will reuse, repair, recycle or donate them instead. Hurrah!

Burger bucks

What do you get when you put together instagrammable food and innovative payment methods? A burger stamped with a QR code which lets you pay for your meal directly. London restaurant Ichibuns has teamed up with mobile payment process Zapper to test a new way for punters to pay. Simply download the app, scan the QR code stamped into your bun and pay – all before tucking in!

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